Dewitt Jones, would spend hours paging through the National Geographic magazine growing up, many times late into the night taking in all the world had to offer. After Dartmouth, he approached an editor and asked if he would be interested in a story about kayaking in Japan and hence Dewitt's 20 year career with National Geographic began. He is now an inspirational speaker on leadership and relates the many lessons he learned while trying to capture what was right with the world.
"Nature was showing me the constant beauty and possibility beyond my wildest dreams right down to the tiniest seed."
He used his camera lens as a metaphor for his life's work. Looking through the lens of celebrating what is right, Dewitt's perspective transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary..."with a banquet laid out and a cup overflowing."
This past week, I sat at the feast before me!

Travel Well: Book and Blog
Frances Schwabenland (@living_namaste_globaltravel)
Frances Schwabenland
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