Freedom's Wings is an organization where spirits soar with possibilities.

Two weeks ago, I truly witnessed the power of Living Namaste in action... such honoring, a beautiful sense of community and the focus on what could be when we all work together.
The mission of Freedom's Wings is to lift spirits and broaden horizons by offering the unparalled experience of glider flights to individuals with disabilities. With every ascent, people are able to transcend the constraints of earth and experience a pure and unbounded moment of freedom.

Imagine for a moment the serene silence as you glide through the air, the world below shrinking away as you fly into the boundless blue sky with the gentle whisper of the wind. Here, amidst the clouds, the limitations imposed by physical disabilities fade, replaced by the exhilarating sense of liberation and the breathtaking beauty of the world from above.

At Freedom's Wings, the dedicated pilots and volunteers believe that the joy of soaring into the clouds with the wind beneath their wings, are driven by a spirit of inclusivity and they work tirelessly to ensure that every flight is safe, accessible and unforgettable.

I was so inspired by the people around me. Yes, being willing to do this required great trust and a spirit of dedication combined with a "Seize the Day" attitude. Barb had been in a wheelchair for 10 years and now with her prosthesis is moving into so many new adventures that take her below the sea and into the sky! Mike and Maura have created an entire wall in their home with pictures of all the things they are able to do...their "Wall of Possibilities". They just got back from swimming with manatees and touched that spot in my spirit to live life to the fullest! Seeing Dan's smile and wave as they were flying by was priceless. Rob and Danny had such a "Can Do!" attitude. It was enlivening to be with them. Volunteers were of all ages. Christine brought her two teenagers out to help after hearing about the great work of Freedom's Wings. Pilots from the Van Sant Airport in Bucks County gathered together to help. Another aspect that I was so taken with was that rides are offered to the caretakers, spouses and other family members in order to promote a shared experience, strengthening the bonds of inclusivity. The weather was 100 degrees but yet, all were still here.

Freedom's Wings invites you to join them in the skies and feel the uplifting power of community and flight, where the freedom of the air offers a unique and heartwarming experience of beauty, peace, and unbound potential!
Gil Frost is the dedicated and caring pilot spearheading Freedom's Wings. If you would like to learn more or help out in some way, he can be reached at: (215) 884-1146

"Flying is more than a mode of travel; it's a journey into freedom, where the heart is lifted, and the soul finds peace in the endless embrace of the sky." (unknown).
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