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Frances Schwabenland

Portrait Of a hero in the time of covid

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

We the people of hope and healing.

“He who says, ‘I know no fear’ is no hero.

No man knows courage unless he does know fear and

Has that in him which is supreme to fear and conquers it.” 

Lyman Abbott

The Theology of an Evolutionist

I am in awe of so many now and for the first part of this project, I want to live in the spirit of Namaste to the medical and emergency personal 

Their forward motion, pushing back the fear

At the forefront and in the trenches

Putting their lives in jeopardy while fighting for life to be victorious.

I wanted to capture the unseen and the intangible

To capture their expansive, truly courageous and life affirming spirit within – that which keeps these men and women going on this forward trajectory

Their very presence is healing grace

The sky symbolizes breath and expansiveness

Flowers, trees, flowing waters convey a profound belief in the power of renewal. 

Within each portrait, there will be a small image from one of the Philadelphia Murals as an echo of “We The People” – words spoken so long ago by those fighting another war and providing the very foundation of our country. This portrait contains the dove of peace from the “Neighborhood Interfaith Movement” and the artists are David Woods and Paul Downie.

My special thanks to the Gefen family for all they are doing and allowing me the great honor to photograph. If anyone knows someone in the Philadelphia area in the medical field and would possibly allow me the opportunity to create their portrait, ( from a distance!) could you message me? The final piece will be put to music and include all of the images as a way to honor and express profound gratitude. 

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